Today I hit
The Book Rack, Rock Hill's independent, semi-used bookstore. I have some issues with the store, but I like to try and patronize independent booksellers when possible and they occasionally have some decent used stuff. I picked up a few things for Sarah and found this copy of
The Talisman. I am not after every Stephen King book, but I'd like to have hardback copies of all the books that relate to The Dark Tower series in some way. The Talisman does, so I was happy to find this hardcover. Since it is smaller than most hardcovers, I thought it was a book club version. Inside, however, I found these Chinese characters on the dedication page. There is also no Library of Congress information behind the title page like in most U.S. books. I wonder if this is some Asian version or something. But then why isn't the whole book in kanji? Maybe I've bought some Chinese forgery!
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